Business GOLD for Kingdom Entrepreneurs!

“If God is calling you to create, build, and sell you have the opportunity and technology to do so! The only thing holding you back – is YOU.”

-Excerpt from Episode 79, Emerging Trends, Best Practices and Business GOLD for Kingdom Entrepreneurs – a podcast collaboration with Life and Business Coaches Andrea Anderson, Kristin Chadwick, Gretchen Heinen, and Megan Nilsen

This week's podcast collab was SO FUN! I got to DIG IN with some of my business besties - Andrea Anderson, Kristin Chadwick, and Gretchen Heinen.

If you're a Kingdom entrepreneur or business owner this is a MUST LISTEN. And...if you're not, BUT you're intrigued by the idea of maybe, possibly, someday launching your own thing this is good for you too!

"Understanding what season you’re in is so important. Trust God is in all of the seasons and will help you shift things around accordingly. Your rest is your weapon."

// Kristin

“The first question I ask is, ‘Can I handle this? But it’s the wrong question to ask. What I really need to ask is, ‘God what do you want me to do?’"

// Gretchen

"What are you sowing? And how consistently are you sowing it? This is important to figure out. Many bail too soon b/c they’ve bought into the myth of overnight success story."

// Andrea

This episode will cover but is definitely not limited to the following topics:

  • Emerging trends for Christian business owners
  • How to cut through the noise
  • How to know if you’re truly called to something specific
  • How spiritual warfare can thwart your clarity and confidence as a business owner
  • When to push through challenges and keep going and how to know when it’s time to switch directions
  • Hustle vs. Consistency
  • Practical ideas for incorporating seasons of rest to reap more fruit
  • The definitions of Kingdom success
  • The main thing all successful people have in common
  • One clue you’ve entered dangerous territory
  • What to do if your spouse isn’t “on board” with your business journey

These women are GOLD I tell you. Jump in to this dynamic conversation and see what revelation seed God brings your way...

Thanks for hanging with me. Thanks for listening. As always, I would love to hear what resonates with your spirit as you walk your own journey!

xoxo - Megan

PS - On a personal note, producing this podcast is the PASSION of my heart. I absolutely LOVE creating content for you - whether it's a solo episode or a deep, inspiring conversation with someone else. costs money to keep the lights on around here. So!! If this podcast has blessed or encouraged you in any way, I want to give you the opportunity to be a part of the harvest. For as little as $5 - you can buy me a coffee and sow into this ministry as you feel led. Thanks for listening and thanks for supporting me. It means the world.

Weekly Journal Prompt for Deeper Awareness:

Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.'"
Galatians 6:8, NLT

Journal + Process with God. Take inventory of all the things you are "sowing" into...with your money, your time, your thoughts, and creativity. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal where to press in deeper (give more) to advance Kingdom work. And, conversely, ask God to show you what to turn away from if you're sowing into something that may not be the best use of time/money in this season.

*** Are you looking for a way to DISCERN and CLARIFY your heart message?? ***

Consider grabbing this BRAND NEW course to find your way! And I'm offering YOU - me email peeps 50%off! :)

This 4-part course will help you get anchored, aligned, fortified, and activated in your heart message in order to flourish in the way that brings freedom to your soul as you grow your business or create your next life-changing offer - which could be a book! ;)

Megan Nilsen, Author/Podcaster/Coach

Curious how faith and life intersect for you? Join us on the journey to quiet the noise and center our spirits to the voice of God for ultimate alignment, fulfillment, and joy! Free coaching tips and journal prompts delivered to your in-box weekly.

Read more from Megan Nilsen, Author/Podcaster/Coach
What Daniel teaches us about fasting and praying for personal and corporate repentance.

“The constitution of the United States says, ‘We the people…’ That includes you and me. Even if you think you haven’t done something personally you are not exempt from coming to God in repentance for the sins of the people.” -Excerpt from Episode 82, What Daniel Teaches Us About Fasting for Personal and Corporate Repentance I'm not going to sugarcoat it. This October podcast series on prayer and fasting is kicking my tail. It is not easy to wade into these theological waters. And then I...

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The powerful practice of fasting - What is it and who should do it? Interview with Pastor Leah Moore

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