Consecrating October with Prayer and Fasting

Fasting is a way to shift your vision and connect you to God in order to align with His vision for your life and the world.”

-Excerpt from Episode 81, Eight Reasons to Fast for Transformation, Clarity, and Breakthrough!

God is always calling us higher and deeper.

Do these two things feel mutually exclusive to you? I submit to you they are not!

In fact, quite the opposite.

Paul prayed that you and I would "have the power to grasp love’s width and length, height and depth, together with all believers." (Ephesians 3:18, CEB)

This multi-dimensional experience of God's love IS possible.

Do you believe this?

And if so, are you experiencing it?

Right in the middle of my interview with Leah Moore (episode 80) about prayer and fasting I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me. I felt those Holy Spirit chills that only come when I know God has something up His sleeve. I got the distinct impression God was asking me to focus all my October podcast episodes on the topic of prayer and fasting.

"But God," I said. "I'm not an expert. How can I possibly teach five episodes on this? And who will care or listen?"

Immediately, Moses came to mind.

And Esther.

And Gideon.


And I knew - there was no way out. The only response was to be obedient and challenge myself to not only learn more about prayer and fasting, but commit to a deeper, intentional, personal practice as well.

So here we are!

This week's episode continues to dig into the foundation of prayer and fasting. I'm offering up EIGHT reasons fasting leads to transformation, clarity, and breakthrough.

"If you see an injustice. Something that breaks your heart. An evil you can’t fathom this side of heaven – dive into prayer and fasting to ask for God’s mercy."

// Megan

Want a sneak peak at what those eight things are? Click on the image below.

And if you want to engage with community around these topics and many more - jump into my private Facebook group, Kingdom Life Together! We have lots of real-talk and encouraging fun in there.

Thanks for hanging with me. Thanks for listening. As always, I would love to hear what resonates with your spirit as you walk your own journey!

xoxo - Megan

PS - On a personal note, last week was our fourth and final Homecoming week!! Bittersweet to be sure. But we could not have asked for a better experience. Our daughter killed it on defense at the Powder Puff flag football game and looked radiant a few days later posing for photos before the dance with her besties. You can catch a glimpse of this young, teenage glory here.

Weekly Journal Prompt for Deeper Awareness:

...I assure you and most solemnly say to you, ‘if you have [living] faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and [if it is God’s will] it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. [But this kind of demon does not go out except by PRAYER and FASTING.]"
Matthew 17:21, AMP

Journal + Process with God. Some translations omit the word fasting but … It is worth noting this commentary states that in the New Testament fasting was simply prayer so focused and intense that a person did not give attention to things like eating or drinking—so either way, Jesus is emphasizing that the demon in Mark 9 could only come out by intensive prayer (abstaining from any distraction).

What kind of prayer and fasting is God inviting you to experience right now to press into a deeper level of transformation, clarity, and breakthrough?


You might remember Margaux Nelson from a popular Kingdom Life Coaching episode in which I interviewed her on how God speaks to us through dreams!!

This time, she interviews me and walks me through a live interpretation of my dreams about ... BABIES!

What could this mean and what is God revealing to me?

As we interpret the dreams, I also shares my metamorphosis—from living one way to discovering what it truly means to yield to God as the Vinedresser and experience the fruit of His handiwork.

Check out the full episode to hear my powerful story of letting go of the flesh and embracing the joy and whimsy of the Spirit—and discover how you can experience your own transformation!

Megan Nilsen, Author/Podcaster/Coach

Curious how faith and life intersect for you? Join us on the journey to quiet the noise and center our spirits to the voice of God for ultimate alignment, fulfillment, and joy! Free coaching tips and journal prompts delivered to your in-box weekly.

Read more from Megan Nilsen, Author/Podcaster/Coach
What Daniel teaches us about fasting and praying for personal and corporate repentance.

“The constitution of the United States says, ‘We the people…’ That includes you and me. Even if you think you haven’t done something personally you are not exempt from coming to God in repentance for the sins of the people.” -Excerpt from Episode 82, What Daniel Teaches Us About Fasting for Personal and Corporate Repentance I'm not going to sugarcoat it. This October podcast series on prayer and fasting is kicking my tail. It is not easy to wade into these theological waters. And then I...

The powerful practice of fasting - What is it and who should do it? Interview with Pastor Leah Moore

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“If God is calling you to create, build, and sell you have the opportunity and technology to do so! The only thing holding you back – is YOU.” -Excerpt from Episode 79, Emerging Trends, Best Practices and Business GOLD for Kingdom Entrepreneurs – a podcast collaboration with Life and Business Coaches Andrea Anderson, Kristin Chadwick, Gretchen Heinen, and Megan Nilsen This week's podcast collab was SO FUN! I got to DIG IN with some of my business besties - Andrea Anderson, Kristin Chadwick,...