Do Other People's Sins Have Anything to Do with You?

“The constitution of the United States says, ‘We the people…’ That includes you and me. Even if you think you haven’t done something personally you are not exempt from coming to God in repentance for the sins of the people.”

-Excerpt from Episode 82, What Daniel Teaches Us About Fasting for Personal and Corporate Repentance

I'm not going to sugarcoat it. This October podcast series on prayer and fasting is kicking my tail. It is not easy to wade into these theological waters.

And then I remind myself I'm not an expert. And God doesn't expect me to be one. He just asks me to be obedient.

This week's episode leads us to Daniel chapter 9 which provides a fantastic model of what it looks like to honor God and commit to prayer and fasting with faith, honesty, humility and, yes... repentance.

"Yes, we have all fallen short of the glory of God. However, we are God's beloved creation, made in His image. And in God’s mercy He continually wants to reconcile us to himself."

// Megan

Questions you can ask yourself as you listen:

  • What corporate sins come to mind? If you are praying for a family, a city, a nation – how are you prompted to confess and ask for God’s mercy and forgiveness?
  • In what specific ways have you and your people walked away from God?
  • How is God inviting you to experience a deeper level of intimacy with Him through prayer and fasting? What could that look like for you this week?

Thanks for hanging with me. Thanks for listening. As always, I would love to hear what resonates with your spirit as you walk your own journey!

xoxo - Megan

PS - On a personal note, I would love to hear what God is teaching you! Have you decided to explore prayer and fasting on a deeper level? If so, reply to this email and let me know how God is directing you in this practice. Is it food? Something else? Let's spur one another on! I invite you to join my free, private Facebook community for more teaching, encouragement, and Kingdom connections.

Weekly Journal Prompt for Deeper Awareness:

O Lord, you are a great and awesome God! You always fulfill your covenant and keep your promises of unfailing love to those who love you and obey your commands. But we have sinned and done wrong. We have rebelled against you and scorned your commands and regulations. "
Daniel 9:4-5, NLT

Journal + Process with God. Take a page out of Daniel's book and commit to fasting and praying using Daniel chapter 9 as a template. Start with adoration and praise and move into confession and repentance. And then TRUST that God's grace and mercy will meet you in that place!


Have you ever been so consumed with the expectations of your work or as a mom, wife, or leader? So much so that it became an idol in your life and identity?

If we’re honest, I would say we’ve all been there! I'm honored to be the featured guest on Sabrina Hammond's Kingdom Connections podcast to share about a pivotal moment in my life that really shifted everything for me.

If you're ready to explore who you are and what God is calling you to - jump in and listen to our conversation!

Megan Nilsen, Author/Podcaster/Coach

Curious how faith and life intersect for you? Join us on the journey to quiet the noise and center our spirits to the voice of God for ultimate alignment, fulfillment, and joy! Free coaching tips and journal prompts delivered to your in-box weekly.

Read more from Megan Nilsen, Author/Podcaster/Coach

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