The Call to Live a Transparent Life

"I wonder if social media (in some ways) is a counterfeit way of living transparently - because you can curate your feed to be whatever you want it to be..."

-Excerpt from Episode 59, The Reason You are Called to Live Transparently and Why it Matters {The SO THAT Series}

Hey, Friend!

This week I came face to face with a challenging question inspired by Paul's command to the Thessalonians in chapter 1... Would other people know the love of God better because they are watching my life?


The answer feels weighty.

I don't want the way I'm living or treating others to compromise the testimony of Jesus in any way. Yet, I am human. And so are you.

I will make mistakes. I will hurt people.

And - I have a choice as to how I follow up and respond in those moments.

Will I tuck tail and run? Pretend like nothing really happened? Or will I turn and live with bold transparency, owning my mistakes, making amends, and growing the testimony of Jesus' love and reconciliation on the earth?

The latter is Kingdom living.

Why did Paul implore the Thessalonians to live transparent lives? What could that mean for you and mean today?

Listen in to this week's episode SO THAT you can be inspired and challenged to live in a way that glorifies God and models freedom like nothing else to a lost and hurting world!

Questions to process with a friend in this week's episode:

  • Is there any area of life in which you are living out of alignment with what God wants you to do?
  • What does it look like for you to live transparently? In what ways are you doing that? In what ways are you holding back from transparent living?
  • Would other people know the love of God better because they are watching your life? Why or why not?
  • In what way might God be asking you to realign your life with His voice to bring Him greater glory?
  • Do you think the church (the body of believers) is living the way God intended us to live? What do you consider individual responsibility? And what do you consider corporate responsibility?

Thanks for hanging with me. Thanks for listening. As always, I would love to hear what resonates with your spirit as you walk your own journey!

xoxo - Megan

PS - On a personal note, my second-born graduated college last weekend! I CANNOT EVEN. These kids keep growing and morphing into young adults at a pace that will spin your head. You can read more about her journey and see pics here!! My mama heart is proud and processing all the things.

If you're going through a transitional season of life that has you wondering which way is up and what new way of living God has for YOU - let me know! I would love to hear what's going on and see if I can help you discern the voice of God and discover the exciting new direction in your life!

Weekly Journal Prompt for Deeper Awareness:

And you became followers of my example and the Lord's when you received the word with the joy of the Holy Spirit, even though it resulted in tremendous trials and persecution. Now you have become an example for all the believers to follow throughout the provinces of Greece."
1 Thessalonians 1:6-7, TPT

Journal + Process with God. Have you ever felt like following God made your life harder - not easier? How did you navigate this hardship or persecution? If you're still working through the pain, bring it to Jesus! Ask Him to speak into it, heal your heart and give you His perspective on the matter. If you've come out victorious on the other side - thank Him for His faithfulness! Ask Him to give you a vision of how navigating this trial molded you into an example for others to follow. Ask Him to give you a vision of those who are watching your life even now. How can you lean in a bit more and build relationship with them so they can faithfully follow Jesus too?


When your business “should be further along by now,” it’s easy to get frustrated and overwhelmed — especially when you feel like you’ve done all the right things.

You start to wonder if you’re really cut out to be a business owner.

HOWEVER, if God has called you to build this business - don't give up! Surround yourself with like-minded people to embolden your faith and help you grow the business for greater Kingdom impact!

Pictured above: CEO and Founder, Belinda Egan // Kingdom Alignment Coach and Strategist, Megan Nilsen :)

Megan Nilsen, Author/Podcaster/Coach

Curious how faith and life intersect for you? Join us on the journey to quiet the noise and center our spirits to the voice of God for ultimate alignment, fulfillment, and joy! Free coaching tips and journal prompts delivered to your in-box weekly.

Read more from Megan Nilsen, Author/Podcaster/Coach
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