"Why Shouldn't I Do This...?"

"To what is your conscience attached? The deepest part of your soul. Is it attached to your flesh? Or the Holy Spirit of God? There is a big difference!"

-Excerpt from Episode 47, What's a Better Question Than "Why Shouldn't I Do This?" Seeking a Clear Conscience

Hey, Friend!

We are getting deep this week! I don't know any other way to say it.

What does it look like to have a "clear conscience before God and man"?

I believe the answer key to this question lies in Acts 24:16 in which Paul shares his defense toward the accusations against him.

As I dug deeper into commentaries, I ran across a mic-drop moment from the one and only, Oswald Chambers! He offers an alternative process of discernment when deciding how to live our lives.

We may look at a situation and think, "Why shouldn't I do this...? What's the harm?"

In this week's episode I'll give you a better question to ask that will lead you closer to Paul's exhortation to live with a clear conscience and stay connected to God and man!

Questions to process with a friend in this week's episode:

  • Where are you holding onto an offense that is potentially blocking blessings in your life?
  • Is there an area in which you are mad at God? Another human being? What needs to happen in order reconcile or mend things?
  • How are you tempted to slip into murky waters by saying “why shouldn’t I do this?”

Enjoy the episode! As always, I love to hear your comments. Please reach out and connect! I'm happy to have a conversation and answer any questions you might have.

xoxo - Megan

PS - On a personal note, I got to lead a women's retreat at Valley Pres in Scottsdale, AZ on Saturday! It was wonderful! Women showed up open and stirred to hear from the Holy Spirit. You can catch a few pics here. :) If you have connections to a women's ministry looking for outside speakers and believe I could be a good fit for you people, I would LOVE an introduction to see how I could bless and lead that community toward deeper intimacy with God and each other!

Weekly Journal Prompt for Deeper Awareness:

I always strive to have a clear conscience toward God and men."
Acts 24:16, CSB

Take some time to journal with God. What's bothering you these days? How is your "conscience" in turmoil? Put this thing. Or this relationship before God... Ask Him to shed is Kingdom perspective of grace and love as to your next right step. Write down what you hear Him say.

EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT! // Untangled Faith Now Has a Complimentary Book Study Guide

If you often feel overwhelmed by the extraneous noise and opinions of the world and want to hone into God's guidance above all else this 10-week experience is for you!

Invite some friends. Grab the guide. Set a date. Start your path to deeper community and connection today!

Megan Nilsen, Author/Podcaster/Coach

Curious how faith and life intersect for you? Join us on the journey to quiet the noise and center our spirits to the voice of God for ultimate alignment, fulfillment, and joy! Free coaching tips and journal prompts delivered to your in-box weekly.

Read more from Megan Nilsen, Author/Podcaster/Coach
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